And to top it off, I indulged a curiosity about using a flat-that-was-not-at-all-flat black paint to try to achieve a consistent black background. The paint had to have been mistakenly labeled as flat because, as you can see, it is not flat. The result is either serendipitous or catastrophic. The beholder will decide.
I took quite a chance with the not-flat paint because, after applying a small amount, I was indeed curious. Of course, I knew that it would show everything, but there was an affect that I also liked. I thought, well, I am taking a risk with the entire thing anyway, so let’s just finish it out in the same vein. I thought that if I just couldn’t be satisfied with it, I could paint it over with a truly flat paint. We’ll see.
Now, how to photograph this gold beast, as a friend calls it. These photos were taken as it is still on my worktable and the lighting is quite uneven. It is very large and heavy, and with all the gold and with the not-flat background, I have little confidence that I will be able to get decent photos. But I will try before I tackle a strategy for professional photos.